National Congress of

Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry and the Challenges of the Ecological Transition

Genoa, 4-7 July 2022


To register for the conference refer to the following site registration form and follows the instruction contained therein.

Early fees for participants before

June 10th, 2022

  • Member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 300€

  • Young1 member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 150€

  • Not a member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 380€

  • Young1 not a member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 230€

  • Daily registration: 100€

Late fees for participants after

June 10th, 2022

  • Member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 350€

  • Young1 member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 200€

  • Not a member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 430€

  • Young1 not a member of SCI or National Chemical Societies of EuChemS: 280€

  • Ten participation scholarships equal to the facilitate registration fee will be awarded, according to the procedures described in the following section.

The registration fee includes: conference material, access to the proceedings, coffee breaks, and the welcome cocktail.

The social dinner includes an additional (optional) fee of 60 €.

For any further information to register at the conference contact the secretariat (e-mail: info.xlviiicncf@unige.it).

1 Young partecipants are: students, PhD students, post doc assistant, RTDA.