National Congress of

Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry and the Challenges of the Ecological Transition

Genoa, 4-7 July 2022

Abstract submission

The request for presentation of oral or posters contributions must be formalized by sending to the conference secretariat (abstract.xlviiicncf@unige.it) no later than 10-04-20221 an abstract in word (docx or doc) format, prepared using the template supplied here and maintaining the formatting settings indicated.

To facilitate the secretarial work and allow a rapid processing of your abstracts, you are asked to name the word file according to the following indications: Surname_Name_oral.docx or Surname_Name_poster.docx.

To encourage a wide participation, each author can submit only two abstract, in this case the word files of the related abstracts must be numbered, for example in the case of multiple posters, as:

Surname_Name_poster1.docx, Surname_Name_poster2.docx.

N.B. Contributions that arrive at the secretariat without specific indication of the type (oral/poster), will be automatically cataloged as posters.

1 The deadline for submitting scientific papers is extended until April 25th.